; Copyright (c) 1991, Just Excellent Software, Inc. ; ; In order to be effective, changes to this file must be acted upon ; by PK.EXE (which comes with registration). ; ; ***************************************************************** ; * * ; * Wordstar Emulation key definition file * ; * * ; * * ; * Note: Wordstar key definitions have been added to pE's. * ; * Commands 'left over' are at bottom of file * ; * * ; * * ; ***************************************************************** ; ; This file, when renamed key.txt and acted upon by pk.exe, creates ; KEY.PED which is the keyboard definition file for pE. ; ; If you would like to use this key set, rename ws.ped to key.ped ; ; ; 1 2 ^^_^a ^a ;these assignments allow the keyin ^^_^b ^b ;of any literal control character by ^^_^c ^c ;first typing ^ (control circumflex) ^^_^d ^d ;followed by the control character you ^^_^e ^e ;want. ^^_^f ^f ^^_^g ^g ^^_^h ^h ^^_^i ^i ^^_^j ^j ^^_^k ^k ^^_^l ^l ^^_^m ^m ^^_^n ^n ^^_^o ^o ^^_^p ^p ^^_^q ^q ^^_^r ^r ^^_^s ^s ^^_^t ^t ^^_^u ^u ^^_^v ^v ^^_^w ^w ^^_^x ^x ^^_^y ^y ^^_^z ^z ^^_^[ ^[ ^^_^\ ^\ ^^_^] ^] ^^_^^ ^^ ^^_^_ ^_ ; ; f1 - f10 ; f1 QuickHelp f2 NextWindow f3 InsertDelLine f4 DeleteLine f5 FindForward f6 FindBackward f7 FloatBlock f8 PrevMark f9 GoTo f10 MatchBrace ; extended keyboard only f11 OpenDosWindow f12 ToggleWordprocess ; shift f1 - f10 #f1 #f2 #f3 #f4 #f5 #f6 #f7 #f8 #f9 #f10 ; extended keyboard only #f11 ToggleBorders #f12 ToggleMenu ; control f1 - f10 ^f1 RecordMacro ^f2 SaveOptions ^f3 InsertDelSeg ^f4 DeleteToEol ^f5 ToggleCase ^f6 ToggleWordprocess ^f7 SetTabs ^f8 SetMarks ^f9 SizeWindow ^f10 MoveWindow ; extended keyboard only ^f11 SetLineLength ^f12 SetParagraphStyle ; alt f1 - f10 @f1 @f2 @f3 @f4 @f5 @f6 @f7 @f8 @f9 @f10 ; extended keyboard only @f11 ShowMacros @f12 ToggleAutoTab ; alt a-z @a AlignParagraph @b BlockMarkColumn @c ExecuteCommand @d DosCommand @e EditFile @f DefineFind @g ToggleGraphics @h ToggleHex @i EditIncludeFile @j JumpList @k KloseWindow @l BlockMarkLines @m MergeFile @n NewFile @o OpenFile @p PrintLines @q QuickExit&Save @r DefineReplace @s SaveFileAs @t DefineTag @u UnmarkBlock @v ViewOnly @w OpenWindow @x Exit @y TileWindows @z ZoomWindows ; alt 1 - 0 @1 SingleLineBox @2 DoubleLineBox @3 TwoDownBox @4 TwoAcrossBox @5 ThickLineBox @6 ASCIIOneBox @7 ASCIITwoBox @8 ASCIIThreeBox @9 ASCIIFourBox @0 UndoBlock @- ManifestFilename @= ManifestCalcValue ; numeric keypad home Home end End ^home PageTop ^end PageBottom ins Ins del Del up Up right Right down Down left Left #tab TabLeft grey- Cut grey+ Paste grey* CopyToScrap pgup PgUp pgdn PgDn ^pgup FileTop ^pgdn FileBottom ^right WordRight ^left WordLeft ; control key combinations ^a WordLeft ^b AlignParagraph ^c PgDn ^d Right ^e Up ^f WordRight ^g Del ;be careful! if a block is marked... ^h BackSpace ^i TabRight ^j QuickHelp ; Now for the famous ^k_ series ^k_b BlockMarkColumn ;Starts and ends a column mark ^k_c Paste ;Copies a marked block without affecting scrap ^k_f EditFile ;edits a file in a new window ^k_h UnmarkBlock ^k_k BlockMarkStream ;Starts and ends a stream mark ^k_l LowerCase ;this is a pE definition NOT ws ^k_m MoveBlock ^k_o OutputBlock ;Cuts block to file pb$$$$.ped ^k_p PrintLines ^k_q NewFile ;this will discard the text (if not changed) ;and allow you to name a new file - quits the ;edit ^k_r InsertDelBlock ;Inserts block previously output to pb$$$$.ped ^k_s SaveFile ;saves to current name without confirmation ^k_t MarkWord ^k_u UpperCase ;this is pE definition NOT ws ^k_w WriteBlock ^k_x Exit ^l FindForward ^m Enter ^n InsertLine ^o_c Center ;centers the current line lines within marked ;block ^o_d DoubleSpace ;adds a blank line in between each line of ;a marked block - or to the end of the file ;if a block is not marked ^o_f HorizontalRuler ;Ruler 'from' line ^o_h TileWindows ;you may have to hit this one twice ^o_l SetParagraphStyle ;sets left margin, right margin, indent and just ^o_n NextWindow ^o_g ZoomWindows ;pE uses the same key to grow or shrink ^o_r SetLineLength ;sets the right margin (kind of) ^o_s SingleSpace ;deletes blank lines (block if marked) or ;to the end of the file ^o_v ToggleAutoTab ^o_w ToggleWordprocess ;toggle word wrap ^o_z ZoomWindows ^q_a DefineReplace ^q_b InsertDelBlock ;restores from PB$$$$.PED ^q_c FileBottom ^q_d End ^q_e PageTop ^q_f DefineFind ^q_j JoinLine ^q_l CancelOp ^q_n WordCount ^q_q RepeatChar ^q_r FileTop ^q_s Home ^q_t InsertDelWord ^q_u DupLine ^q_w ParagraphUp ^q_x PageBottom ^q_y DeleteToEol ^q_z ParagraphDown ^r PgUp ^s Left ^t DeleteWord ^u InsertDelLine ^v_h HorizontalRuler ^v_v VerticalRuler ^v_u ToggleUnixLines ^v_x ToggleLines ^v_t CursorToTop ;multiply defined for non_extended keybrds ^v_c CursorToCtr ^v_b CursorToBot ^w ScrollUp ^x Down ^y DeleteLine ^z ScrollDown ^bs DeletePrevWord ^[ CancelOp ;escape key generates this code ^\ ToggleMacro ^_ ClearMacro ; extended keyboard extra keys @enter OpenLine ^del UndeleteBlock ^up CursorToTop ^5 CursorToCtr ^down CursorToBot ^- ^+ ^* AppendToScrap ^ins ^/ @home @end @up @down @left @right @pgup @pgdn @ins @del @/ @tab ; ; commands below are not assigned to any keys ; Menu ; default is @spacebar (not really a key) SetColors SetInsRpl DisplayOwner SetBackup RightEdge ;moves cursor to right edge of screen LeftEdge ;to left edge LeftFlush ;adjust text in a block to left edge RightFlush ;adjust text in a block to right edge ;if no block then current line LeaveEditorNow ScrollLeft ScrollRight SetCursor